What we do

  We seek to review, influence and inform UKELA members on matters connected with environmental litigation. This includes:
  • regulatory reform, including enforcement, civil sanctions and sentencing;
  • access to justice, including judicial review reform and the rules for costs in environmental cases;
  • improving the machinery of environmental litigation, for example by consolidating more cases within the new First-tier Tribunal (Environment).

Who we are

We have a wide membership, including solicitors, barristers, consultants and regulators. We meet three to four times per year. Meetings are generally held in London, but we aim to provide online facilities for those who wish to participate remotely. We exchange information in-between meetings via our google group. The Working Party is open to any UKELA member with an interest in the area. We are led by three convenors, currently Jill Crawford, Peter Cruickshank & Oliver Spencer.



Jill Crawford
Associate Solicitor at Irwin Mitchell

Jessica Allen
Barrister at No5 Chambers

Peter Cruickshank

Barrister at 6 Pump Court


Recent responses to consultation papers

If you are seeking an older consultation paper, please email us. 


Response to Sentencing Council’s Consultation Miscellaneous Amendments to Sentencing Guidelines

Posted on 30/11/2023
UKELA's response to the Sentencing Council’s Consultation Miscellaneous Amendments to Sentencing Guidelines - Guidelines Section 17 Environmental Guideline for Individuals.


Response to the Ministry of Justice Consultation

Posted on 07/03/2022
UKELA's response to the Ministry of Justice Consultation: 'Human Rights Act Reform; A Modern Bill of Rights. A consultation to reform the Human Rights Act 1998, led by the Environmental Litigation Working Party (7 March 2022).