This week we reflect on the activity since the start of the year with a focus on the many responses to consultations that UKELA's working parties have prepared. Eleven responses to 2024 consultations are now available on our website for all to access, namely: 

  • Scottish Government consultation on legislative proposals 'Meeting our '30 by 30' biodiversity commitment on terrestrial and freshwater sites.

  • Scottish Government's consultation on facilitating marine nature restoration through legislation.

  • Welsh Government consultation - Securing a Sustainable Future.

  • Defra consultation on policies to inform updated guidance for Marine Protected Area (MPA) assessments.

  • Scottish Government consultation: Delivering Net Zero for Scotland’s Buildings: Proposals for a Heat in Buildings Bill.

  • Defra consultation on Reforming the Producer Responsibility System for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).

  • Defra Habitats Regulations Assessments survey.

  • Scottish Government consultation on the proposed Well-being & Sustainable Development (Scotland) Bill.

  • Proposed Ecocide (Prevention) (Scotland) Bill.

  • European Scrutiny Committee inquiry on progress and mechanics of reform of Retained EU Law.

  • Office for Environmental Protection (OEP) on Good Environmental Status (GES) for UK marine waters.

This builds upon the catalogue of recorded online and hybrid events from the past few months, which members can view in our past events page on the website Sign in to your account to watch.