Who can apply?

The UKELA Student Vocational Bursary Scheme is an award of up to £1000 that is intended to enable student members to undertake a period of vocational placement in the field of environmental law. Placements may be with a public body such as a government department, local authority, regulatory agency; with a not-for-profit organisation such as non-governmental organisation or a university department; in private practice (legal or otherwise); or any other vocational placement which would further the charitable objects of UKELA. Please see below some of our previous winners who have gone on to take up fascinating roles in the environmental and legal world.

2024 bursary

The applications for the Student Vocational Bursary Fund 2024 have been reviewed and recipients have now been notified of their awards. Congratulations to all of the applicants, we hope you enjoy your placements and look forward to receiving your reports. The following have received awards:

  • Charlotte Dent internship with the Earth Law Centre, campaigning for an ecocentric approach to biodiversity and climate change 
  • Steph Barker placement at the Green Climate Fund HQ in South Korea 
  • Zia Maxwell participation in the Earth Law 2024 Summer Course 
  • Sanja Katic internship position at Earth Thrive


2023 recipients 

Mateusz Tokarz attended the Panthéon-Sorbonne International Summer School on energy and environmental law

"I'm immensely thankful for the support from UKELA, my experience at the Panthéon-Sorbonne International Summer School on energy and environmental law was invaluable , expanding my legal knowledge beyond my LLB through discussions into environmental law and its impact on global energy issues. It directly influenced my decision to pursue an environmental law module this year, strengthening my knowledge in areas relevant to my dissertation research and enriching my ongoing placement with the Environment Agency. Collaborating with students from around the worldwas an amazing experience. I strongly encourage other students to apply for this bursary – it's a great chance to access new opportunities for personal and professional development."

Liliia Akatova internship at the Global Cleantech Innovation Programme (GCIP) at UNIDO in Vienna

"The UKELA's vocational bursary allowed me to pursue my long-held dream of working for the UN. During the summer of 2023, I had a chance to undertake an internship at UNIDO in Vienna, contributing to the solutions to global environmental problems in developing countries and economies in transition. This experience was truly enriching and gave me a clear understanding of how international environmental law agreements get translated into actions and programmes at the global level". 

Rhys Gowen, PhD in Law in Swansea University, completed a 5 week work placement assisting with the regulatory and legal duties performed by the Wye Valley AONB Unit in Monmouth.


“The time I spent on placement within the Wye Valley AONB Unit richly enhanced my legal skills. I am grateful to UKELA for awarding me the Student Vocational Bursary as this facilitated my entire experience. If it was not for this financial support I would not have been able to undertake this placement, gain the experience it offered or meet the wonderful people I did. I would strongly encourage any interested students to apply for this opportunity, you will not regret it!"


Previous recipients explain how the UKELA bursary helped

Priya Hill, Sustainability and Environmental Management Graduate from the University of Leeds, completed a 3 month internship with the Environment Agency in Leeds during summer 2022.

“With the support of the UKELA bursary scheme I worked in an EA regulation and permitting team. I thoroughly enjoyed this internship experience and I have continued to work for the EA since the initial internship concluded. I have now moved over to the Sustainable Business Team where I work to promote Nature and Biodiversity communications across the organisation.”

Lucia Saborio Perez, LLM in Environmental Law and Policy, UCL completed a two month voluntary placement with the Environmental Defenders' Office in Australia.

"It is not possible to quantify how enriching and valuable this learning experience was. I am most grateful to UKELA for granting me the Student Vocational bursary, without which I would not have been able to undertake this opportunity. I would really encourage anyone considering applying to do so! Truly, environmental law is a rich field with many learning opportunities for students or young graduates, though too many remain out of reach without financial support. UKELA provided this welcome support and welcomed me into a great community of students, lawyers and environmentally-minded thinkers."

Kirsty Schneeberger MBE, former UKELA Chair

"I was informally involved with projects that focussed on ‘instituting the rights of future generations’ into political and legal decision-making processes. The bursary gave me the opportunity to pursue the project formally with environmental NGOs working in this area and it enabled me to make new connections with others active in this area. The bursary was an excellent way to gain experience and lay important foundations for  my future career."

Jessica Allen, pupil at Landmark Chambers

"I attended an international summer law school on the topic of comparative and international environmental law in Italy. As environmental law was not a core module at undergraduate level in the UK, the bursary enabled me to consider further study of environmental law in depth via a Masters degree, and I secured environmental law internships to gain practical experience. Without the bursary, I may not have applied for any of these, so I would strongly encourage other students to apply."  

Ben Christman, lawyer at Environmental Rights Centre Scotland

"I was very fortunate to receive a bursary to carry out an internship with ClientEarth’s energy and coal team at their Hackney office. My advice to others who may be considering a similar experience is do it! You will learn a lot, you will contribute to an organisation which does socially valuable work, you will develop your legal skills and you will meet interesting people and make contacts that will be useful in the future."