What we do

The Wales Working Party has established a sub-committee with the following terms of reference:

  • To draw up an annual programme of events and seek the approval of the Wales Working Party
  • To support the organisation of agreed events
  • To accompany the Wales Convenors to key meetings, as necessary
  • To agree consultation responses
  • To act as UKELA’s spokesperson in Wales, as required
  • To agree articles/features for publication
  • To liaise with regional groups and working parties
  • To disseminate best practice

Who we are

The Working Party has members working in different fields concerned with environmental law in Wales.  Participants include individuals from statutory agencies and non-governmental organisations, environmental and planning consultants, lawyers in private and public sector practice and academics.  We meet four times a year and keep in touch via our google group. 

Members of our sub-committee are:

  • Christian Jowett (convenor)
  • Daniel Scrase (convenor)
  • Kate Howell
  • Ben Standing
  • Wyn Jones
  • William Wilson


Please follow us on Twitter.

Read this page in Welsh



Christian Jowett

Barrister at 30 Park Place Chambers and The 36 Group

Daniel Scrase

Student, BPP University


Recent responses to consultation papers 


Response to the Welsh Government Consultation - Securing a Sustainable Future

Posted on 30/04/2024
UKELA's response to the Welsh Government consultation - Securing a Sustainable Future.


Response to the review of the Priorities for the 6th Senedd

Posted on 15/09/2023
This response is to the call for evidence by the Senedd’s Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Committee’s on its review of the Priorities for the 6th Senedd (the 6th Senedd Priorities), led by UKELA Wales.


Response to IEPAW on protected sites in Wales

Posted on 23/02/2023
UKELA's response to the call for evidence from the Interim Environmental Protection Assessor for Wales (IEPAW) on the management and protection of protected areas - led by the Wales Working Party.


Response to Senedd Cymru on the REUL Bill

Posted on 16/11/2022
UKELA's response to call for evidence by the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee of Senedd Cymru on the REUL Bill, led by Wales working party.